The HBO fantasy showGame of Thrones featured plenty of memorable characters. Some of them were more popular among the show's fans, some less, but they all had one thing in common - their lives were far from easy. Westeros isn't an easy place to live, even if you're born into a noble family, and you could, therefore, expect to be treated well.

Sansa Stark learned painfully well that if you make mistakes in this game of thrones, you'll end up paying for them sooner or later. And while most of you won't probably face similar dangers, there are still lessons you can take from Sansa's biggest mistakes.

10 Sending Brienne Away

You can't truly blame Sansa for sending Brienne away, considering her previous experience with people who were initially kind to her... only to later turn around and stab Sansa in the back (luckily for her, only metaphorically). Leading this kind of life makes no-one find the fact that Sansa has trust issues very surprising.

Still, she should have risked it in this case. Brienne didn't always manage to do everything in the best way possible, but she's a good person, a great fighter and she could have helped Sansa in many ways if only the two remained side by side.

9 Trusting Littlefinger

During Game of Thrones's long run, Sansa made the mistake of trusting the wrong people (or not trusting the right ones) more than once. But by far her biggest error was putting her trust in Littlefinger, the one person who always plays his own game and uses other people to achieve his goals without a shred of remorse.

To be fair, when these two meet and work together, Sansa is still too young to know any better. And she did get her revenge at the end when she had Littlefinger sentenced to death and killed in front of her court at Winterfall.

8 Letting Littlefinger Kiss Her

Speaking of Littlefinger... Sansa should have treaded much more carefully around him, especially once he confided in her and told her that he was in love with her mother. The potential relationship between them would be wrong on so many levels, not only considering their age difference but also Littlefinger's obsession with Catelyn and his hatred towards Ned for stealing Catelyn from him.

When Sansa goes to live with her aunt Lysa, Littlefinger marries Lysa but still kisses Sansa. And Sansa just stands there and lets him do it, even though it should have been so easy to try and push him away.

7 Coming To King's Landing

At the beginning of Game of Thrones, Sansa is portrayed as a rather naive girl who's secretly in love with Joffrey and dreams about being his queen one day. In a cruel twist of fate, she later finds herself at King's Landing, but not married to Joffrey (who turned out to be sadistic and evil) but to his uncle Tyrion.

Sansa could have saved herself from a lifetime of issues if only had she stayed at home, at Winterfell, and never came to King's Landing in the first place. But she was too tempted by the vision of Joffrey's love and by Cersei's sweet words.

6 Being Unkind To Her Siblings

Every family argues sometimes and not all people are the same, but they should still support their siblings and care about them, because if they won't, who else will? Especially in Westeros, where betrayal is common and everyone has to be twice as careful not to die or lose his or her entire family.

Unfortunately for Sansa and the Stark family in general, she didn't seem to get this memo. Not only does she mock Arya when they're both children before Sansa leaves for King's Landing, but she's also often cold and uncaring towards Jon, not considering him a real Stark.

5 Not Connecting With Arya

As said above, Sansa and Arya never were the best of friends. When they were growing up, they were often arguing and fighting with each other. Partially because they have very different characters, Arya was always more of a tomboy than a young noble lady while Sansa dreamt about becoming a queen and living a fairytale romance.

But even when they grew up and found each other again, after Arya had returned at Winterfell, the sisters still couldn't seem to be able to make their relationship work and to create a true bond because both of them were too distant and aloof with each other.

4 Telling Tyrion Jon's Secret

Sansa and Tyrion have a strange kind of relationship. Sansa was forced to marry Tyrion but he always treated her with kindness in the show and did his best to make certain his unwilling young wife was safe. In another life, these two could have been friends. But even their somewhat civil relationship didn't give Sansa the right to tell Tyrion her brother's deepest secret.

Yet she does exactly that, about thirty seconds after meeting Tyrion again. If only Ned or Catelyn were still around, they could have taught Sansa how to keep her mouth shut and she would spare Jon a lot of trouble with Daenerys later on.

3 Marrying Ramsay

The lesson from this horrible experience Sansa went through is clear - never marry someone unless you know them really well, know who they are when they're not trying to present their best face to you.

While Sansa's and Tyrion's marriage was far from perfect, at least he never tried to hurt her, not physically anyway, and he did his best to be considerate to her. Ramsay, on the other hand, did everything in his power to hurt his wife, and he even went as far as raping her in front of Theon's eyes. So it was with great satisfaction that Sansa had Ramsay killed, torn apart by his own dogs.

2 Not Telling Theon About Her Feelings

Theon Greyjoy and the Stark family didn't have the best history possible. While Theon spent a lot of years with the Starks and he grew quite close to some of Ned Stark's and Catelyn's children, he still held a secret resentment in his heart. When the time came to choose, Theon stood against the Starks, and he regretted it later, doing his best to atone for his mistakes.

He helped Sansa when she was married to Ramsay and he also fought at the Winterfell, in the final battle against the White Walker. He and Sansa grew closer while they were at Winterfell and it seemed like she could have been in love with him, but if she was, she never said anything.

1 Not Killing Daenerys

After she had to spend years listening to orders, Sansa wanted her independence and wanted people to respect her and accept her as the one true ruler of Winterfell. So when Daenerys Targaryen came, it immediately became obvious that these two young women would never become friends.

Sansa despised Daenerys and while she needed the dragon queen for the fight against the White Walkers, she could have gotten rid of her afterward quite easily and she'd save Jon a lot of trouble, just like she'd save thousands of innocent human lives, considering Daenerys murdered a whole city while riding her dragon.

NEXT: Game Of Thrones: 10 Most Shameless Things Sansa Stark Ever Did

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